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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Barefooted Philologists: Pseudo-Anglicism 02 Mansion
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A pseudo-anglicism is a word in another language that is formed from English elements and may appear to be English, but that does not exist as an English word.

For example, English speakers traveling in France may be struck by the number of words used in French that look similar to English, but which don't exist in English, such as baby-foot, or baby-parc.

This is different from false friends, which are words that do exist in English, but with a different main meaning between English and the other language.

Video Pseudo-anglicism

Definition and terminology

There have been a few spellings, and many definitions proposed for pseudo-anglicism. Sometimes it is written as two words, sometimes as a hyphenated word, and sometimes as a single word without the hyphen. The 'A' is sometimes capitalized. Several other terms have been used, such as "secondary anglicism," "false anglicism," and "pseudo-English" is heard as well.

In discussing lexical borrowing (and also translation), academic works will often refer to source language or donor language, and the receptor language or recipient language and may use SL and RL as abbreviations. In the case of anglicisms and loanwords from English, the source language is English, and the receptor language is the foreign language borrowing the English word or semantic elements. Some German works even refer to these concepts using the English terms, untranslated.

Numerous definitions have been proposed. Many researchers quote David Duckworth, who wrote that pseudo-anglicisms are "German neologisms derived from English language material."

Maps Pseudo-anglicism

Typology and mechanism

Pseudo-anglicisms can be created in various ways, such as by archaism, i.e., words which once had that meaning in English but are since abandoned; semantic slide, where an English word is used incorrectly to mean something else; conversion of existing words from one part of speech to another; or recombinations by reshuffling English units.

Onysko speaks of two types: pseudo-anglicisms and hybrid anglicisms. The common factor is that each type represents a neologism in the receptor language resulting from a combination of borrowed lexical items from English. Using German as the receptor language, an example of the first type is Wellfit-Bar, a combination of two English lexical units to form a new term in German, which does not exist in English, and which carries the meaning, "a bar that caters to the needs of health-starved people." An example of the second type, is a hybrid based on a German compound word, de:wikt:Weitsprung (long jump), plus the English 'coach', to create the new German word Weitsprung-Coach.

According to Filipovi?, pseudoanglicisms can be formed through composition, derivation, or ellipsis. Composition in Serbo-Croatian involves creating a new compound from an English word to which is added the word man, as in the example, "GOAL" + man, giving golman. In derivation, a suffix -er or -ist is added to an anglicism, to create a new word in Serbo-Croatian, such as teniser, or waterpolist. An ellipsis drops something, and starts from a compound and drops a component, or from a derivative and drops -ing, as in boks from "boxing", or "hepiend" from "happy ending".

Another process of word formation that can result in a pseudo-anglicism is a blend word, consisting of portions of two words, like brunch or smog. Rey-Debove & Gagnon attest tansad in French in 1919, from English tan[dem] + sad[dle]].

Jagmohan Garg News Pseudo-anglicisms are words in other languages ...
src: i.pinimg.com


Pseudo-anglicisms can be found in many languages that have contact with English around the world, and are attested in nearly all European languages.

More German Pseudo-Anglicisms - Yabla German - Free German Lessons
src: yabla.vo.llnwd.net


CJK languages


  • ABC - American-born Chinese, also CBC = Canadian-born Chinese, BBC = British-born Chinese, etc.
  • BB call - pager
  • BBS - web forum, as opposed to an actual bulletin board system
  • DM - flyer, brochure, junk mail (from "direct mail")
  • KTV - a karaoke establishment with private rooms. Called karaoke box in Japan.
  • MIT - Made in Taiwan
  • VC - Vitamin C


  • Salaryman (??????, sarar?man) - a white collar employee (salaried worker)
  • Pokemon ("pocket monster")


  • Apart (??? apateu) - this word is used to mean not only individual suites, but "apartment building" or "apartment complex"
  • Fighting (??? hwaiting or ??? paiting) - a Korean cheer that can roughly be translated as "Victory!" but can also be used as a word of encouragement (a la "Courage!")
  • One shot (?? wonsyas) - a form of toast, roughly equivalent to "bottoms up". It challenges the drinker to finish his drink in one gulp



  • College - sweater/jumper


  • Drill - three of a kind in poker.
  • Farmer - denim or jeans
  • Winchester - computer hard drive



  • baby-foot (m, pronounced [ba.bi.fut]) - table football
  • baby-parc - Table football
  • night shop (m, Belgium) - late-opening grocery shop
  • rallye-paper - a "fox-and-hounds" like game, except with paper scraps instead of foxes
  • recordman (m; pl: recordmans; f:Recordwoman) - record holder in sports
  • relooker (verb) to make over; also: relooking (n; masc.) - a makeover
  • rugbyman (n; masc.) - rugby player
  • shake-hand
  • tennisman - a tennis player
  • zapper - to change channels using the remote control


  • Autogrill (Italian pronunciation: [auto'?ril]) - motorway snack bar (used for any brand, not only for Autogrill chain)
  • Baby killer, or babykiller - juvenile murderer
  • Beauty case or Beauty - vanity bag
  • Block-Notes or Bloc-notes (Italian pronunciation: [bl?k'n?tes]) - notebook
  • Body rental - temporary staffing firm
  • Job on call - sort of casual employment, whose intermittent working times are based, from day to day, on the needs of the employer (compare Zero hours contract in the United Kingdom)
  • Sexy shop - sex shop
  • Videobar - a cafe or bar focused on entertainment based on music videos


  • Agroboy (Brazil) - a non-urban Brazilian playboy or yuppie, generally with its wealth earned by agricultural businesses
  • Beauty case - vanity case
  • Funk - a musical genre from Rio de Janeiro, local spin-off from Miami bass, completely unrelated to American funk music
  • Novo look - a makeover (hair, clothing, makeup, etc.)


  • Blugi - jeans, denim fabric (whether blue or not)
  • Tenisman - tennis player (feminine is tenisman?)


  • KOM (Kick Off Meeting) - planning meeting, Project launch meeting.
  • Nuevo look - a makeover (hair, clothing, makeup etc.)
  • Play, Hipermegaplay (in Colombia) - Used in the same way American English speakers would use the slang term "Cool".
  • Round Point (in Colombian Spanish) - roundabout (from French rond-point)



  • Babylift - baby transport/carrycot
  • Cottoncoat - trench coat
  • Cowboytoast - minced meat sandwich
  • Grillparty - a barbecue party
  • Monkeyclass - economy class
  • Speedmarker - a felt-tip pen
  • Stationcar - a contraction of station wagon (US) and estate car (UK)
  • Timemanager - a calendar or notebook in which you write down appointments (from the registered trademark Time Manager)


  • Airco - air conditioning
  • Dumpstore - an army surplus store
  • (Koffie)pad - (coffee) pod
  • Songtekst - lyrics
  • Space cake - a cake filled with hashish
  • Touringcar - a motor coach; not a touring car, which is either an obsolete automobile body shape or a classification of racing car.


Many of the following examples may be found in several words (Fun Sport), hyphenated (Fun-Sport), in one word (Funsport) or CamelCase (FunSport).

  • Dressman - male model (Onysko calls this the 'canonical example' of a pseudo-anglicism.)
  • Wellfit-Bar - a bar that caters to the needs of health-starved people


  • After work - a meeting for drinks after the workday is finished
  • Backslick - slick-back hairdo
  • Homestyling - Home staging, making a home look better when presenting for sale, when done by professionals. Homestyling is used in the UK when helping residents fix their home for their own well-being.


  • cherry lights (????? ???? [t??r? l??ts]) - red headlights
  • payday (??????? [p??d??]) - salary/payment



  • Shop tour (???-???, ?op-tur) - an organized tour to a foreign country for shopping.


  • Boks - boxing
  • Deweloper - real estate developer
  • Dres - tracksuit; sometimes also chav(s) (short for dresiarz)


  • Clipmaker (??????????, klipmeyker) - music video director
  • Face control (????????????, feyskontrol') - checking whether a person looks appropriate (a common practice at Russian night clubs)
  • Metallist (?????????, metallist) - fan of heavy metal subculture
  • Safing (???????, seyfing) - providing safe deposit boxes
  • Shop tour (???-???, shop-tur) - an organized tour to a foreign country for shopping


  • Goalman (Golman / ??????) - Goalkeeper, Goalie
  • Recorder (Rekorder / ????????) - record holder (in sports)



  • Dbest [d?'b?st] - slang term meaning 'cool'
  • Full [ful] - slang term meaning 'very'

other Indo-European


  • Barwoman - barmaid
  • Trafficator - indicator

Other non-Indo-European


  • Back-Axe (??-???) - rear axle
  • Chaser (?'????) - small shot glass
  • Coacher (?????'?) - practitioner of life-coaching, a coach. ("Coacher" is a valid, but rare, English variant)
  • Combinator (?????????) - a swindler/cheater/con-artist, but also less negatively just someone who's good at smooth talking and getting out of trouble, or finding quick-fix solutions to problems.
  • Front Back-Axe (????? ??-???) - front axle
  • Golf (????) - turtleneck sweater/jersey
  • Maniac (manyak ?????) - an undesirable person, akin to "asshole" or "son of a bitch" in English. (Probably derived from Arabic, where it has some negative sexual connotation)
  • Money time (???? ????) - crunch time (in sports)
  • Nylon (??????) - any form of flexible plastic
  • Patent (patent ????) - an improvisation/innovation
  • Presenter (???????) - celebrity endorser
  • Punch (?????) - a short joke, one-liner (not the punch line!)
  • Puncture (pancher ???'?) - any mishap causing a delay
  • Scouter (??????) - talent scout. ("Scouter" is a valid, but rare, English variant)
  • Selector (??????) - airport security screener, club bouncer
  • Snappling (snepling ???????) - abseiling
  • Talkback (tokbek ?????) - A comment on a blog or an internet news site
  • V (??) - check mark (?). Used in the expression "????? ??" ("to do a V") meaning "to check off, indicate as done".


  • Mini Market - Convenience store


  • Air (????) - Air conditioner.
  • Check-bill (??????? Ch?kh bil) - A combination of the US English "check" and the British English "bill" (adapted to Thai pronunciation), meaning the bill presented in a restaurant or bar.
  • Freshy (??????? Ferch ch??) - A college fresher or freshman.
  • Goal (??? Kol) - means "goal keeper". "No goal" means to play football(soccer) without goal keepers.
  • Hi-so (???? ??so) - High Society describing someone who insists on designer labels.
  • Inter (???????? Xintexr?) - means "international". "I am so inter" means the person has been abroad and is interested in foreign, mostly Western things.
  • In-trend (????????? Xin the rnd?) - Trendy. The word "trend" is usually pronounced in Thai accent as "tren" because final consonants are not as pronounced in Thai as in English.
  • Too fast to sleep - Too early to sleep. The Thai word /r?w/ (???? r?w) means either fast or early, depending on context.
  • Ver or Over (????? Wexr? or ??????? Xowexr?) - Exaggerated or overstated.


  • Flört (flirt) - dating
  • Fragman (fragment) - trailer
  • Spiker (speaker) - media commentators, and news presenters
  • Stoper (stopper) - in association football: Center-back
  • Web Sayfas? (web page) - Website


  • Coca (cô ca) - Coca-Cola
  • MC (em xi) - TV host, talk show host, television presenter; originating from hip-hop slang
  • Film (phim) - both movies and soap opera
  • Photo (phô tô) - photocopy
  • Sex (sét) - wearing revealing clothes that make the wearer appear lustful
  • Style (xì tin) - appearing teenage, active, playful and modern
  • Vest (vét) - Western suit in clothing

Multiple languages

  • Air-Condition (German, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Swedish) - air conditioning
  • Autostop (or in some languages stop) (Bulgarian, Czech, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish) - hitchhiking
  • Beauty farm (Dutch, German Beauty-Farm and Beautyfarm, Italian) - spa
  • Camping-car (French, Japanese ????????) - campervan or "recreational vehicle"
  • Fotoshooting (Danish, German, Romanian) - photo session, photo shoot
  • Fotoshop (Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Turkish) - manipulated photo (from the name of Adobe Photoshop)
  • Frac (French, Italian, Serbian variety of Serbo-Croatian), from "frock coat" - evening tailcoat
  • Goalman (Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian) - Goalkeeper
  • Handphone (Indonesian, Korean ???) - mobile phone (compare German Handy)
  • Hometrainer (Dutch, German, Portuguese) - exercise bicycle or other low-level consumer fitness machine
  • IC (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) - interchange
  • K-Way (French [kawe], Italian) - windbreaker
  • Luna park (Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Serbian variety of Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Russian) - amusement park (derived from the name of an amusement park in New York)
  • MV (Chinese, Korean) - music video
  • PK (Chinese) - play-kill (this term usually refers to a lighthearted competition/conflict and originates from arcade games)
  • Recordman (French, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Russian recordsman, Turkish) - record holder in sports*
  • Topfit (Dutch, German) - perfectly physically fit
  • Zapping (Danish zappe, French, German zappen (verb), Greek, Italian ['dzappi??], Dutch zappen, Swedish zappa) - (TV) channel-surfing, channel-hopping

More German Pseudo-Anglicisms - Yabla German - Free German Lessons
src: yabla.vo.llnwd.net

See also

  • Anglicism
  • Barbarism (modern linguistics)
  • Calque
  • Denglisch
  • False friend
  • Language transfer
  • Loanword
  • List of pseudo-German words adapted to English
  • List of pseudo-French words adapted to English
  • Phono-semantic matching
Barefooted Philologists: 2016-11-06
src: 1.bp.blogspot.com


Barefooted Philologists: 2016-11-06
src: 4.bp.blogspot.com


  • Anderman, Gunilla M.; Rogers, Margaret; Gottlieb, Henrik (1 January 2005). "11 Anglicisms and Translation". In and Out of English: For Better, for Worse?. Translating Europe. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. p. 164. ISBN 978-1-85359-787-9. OCLC 812195823. 
  • Ayres-Bennett, Wendy; Carruthers, Janice; Temple, Rosalind (25 February 2014). "12.4 'Hybrids' and pseudo-anglicisms". Problems and Perspectives: Studies in the Modern French Language. Longman linguistics library. London: Routledge. p. 335. ISBN 978-1-317-88652-5. OCLC 871224464. 
  • Betz, Werner; Kolb, Herbert; Lauffer, Hartmut (1977). Sprachliche Interferenz (in German). Niemeyer. ISBN 978-3-484-10285-9. 
  • Carstensen, Broder (16 November 2015) [1st pub. Gunter Narr:1980]. "Semantische Scheinentlehnungen des Deutschen aus dem Englischen". In Viereck, Wolfgang. Studien zum Einfluß der englischen Sprache auf das Deutsche [Studies on the Influence of the English Language on German]. Tübingener beigrag zur Linguistik #132 (in German). BoD - Books on Demand. p. 77. ISBN 978-3-87808-132-6. OCLC 1006045710. 
  • Duckworth, David (1977). Best, Werner; Kolb, Werner; Lauffer, Hartmut, eds. Zur terminologischen Grundlage der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der englisch-deutschen Interferenz. Kritische Übersicht, und neue Vorschlag [The Terminological Basis of Research in the Field of English-German Interference. Critical Overview, and New Proposal.] (in German). Tübingen: Niemeyer. ISBN 9783484102859. OCLC 185584225. Neubildungen der deutschen Sprache mit Englischem Sprachmaterial. 
  • Filipovi?, Rudof; Partridge, Monica; Herrity, Peter; Jones, Malcolm V.; Terry, Garth M. (1990). "Secondary Anglicisms in a Dictionary of Anglicisms in Serbo-Croatian". The Bell of freedom: essays presented to Monica Partridge on the occasion of her 75th birthday. Nottingham: Astra Press. ISBN 978-0-946134-17-5. OCLC 246527030. Retrieved 14 February 2018. 
  • Furiassi, Cristiano; Pulcini, Virginia; Rodríguez González, Félix (2012). The Anglicization of European Lexis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. p. 158. ISBN 90-272-1195-7. 
  • Furiassi, Cristiano; Gottlieb, Henrik (10 March 2015). "2 Qualifying pseudo-Anglicisms". Pseudo-English: Studies on False Anglicisms in Europe. Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 17. ISBN 978-1-5015-0023-7. 
  • Geyer's Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades. New York: Andrew Geyer. 1903. OCLC 1009011742. Retrieved 13 May 2018. 
  • Görlach, Manfred (2001). A Dictionary of European Anglicisms: A Usage Dictionary of Anglicisms in Sixteen European Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-823519-4. OCLC 429029188. Retrieved 21 February 2018. 
  • Görlach, Manfred (23 May 2002). English in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-158069-7. OCLC 768118863. Retrieved 21 February 2018. 
  • Großmann, Anja (2008). "2.2 Die Typologie der Anglizismen nach Jürgen Spitzmüller". Frequenz und Verwendungskontexte des Anglizismus Design in der deutschen Sprache (Studienarbeit) (in German). GRIN Verlag. pp. 4-. ISBN 978-3-640-17674-8. 
  • Onysko, Alexander (2007). "4 Pseudo anglicisms and hybrid anglicisms". Anglicisms in German: Borrowing, Lexical Productivity, and Written Codeswitching. Linguistik: Impulse & Tendenzen, 23. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-11-019946-8. OCLC 901310392. 
  • Picone, Michael D. (18 October 1996). Anglicisms, Neologisms and Dynamic French. Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa Ser.,18. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 350. ISBN 978-90-272-7614-8. OCLC 769341957. Retrieved 14 February 2018. 
  • Rey-Debove, Josette; Gagnon, Gilberte (1990). Dictionnaire des anglicismes : les mots anglais et américains en français [Dictionary of Anglicisms: English and American Words in French]. Usuels du Robert (in French). Paris: Le Robert. ISBN 9782850360275. OCLC 756955952. 
  • Saugera, Valérie (2017). Remade in France: Anglicisms in the Lexicon and Morphology of French. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-062554-2. OCLC 1013564643. Retrieved 14 February 2018. 
  • Scheibel, Larissa (21 February 2007). "2.2 Entlehnungen". Anglizismen/Amerikanismen im Deutschen und Russischen am Beispiel von Online Zeitschriften (Master's thesis) (in German). GRIN Verlag. pp. 10-. ISBN 978-3-638-59645-9. 
  • Sicherl, Eva; ?abec, Nada; Gabrov?ek, Du?an (1999). The English Element in Contemporary Standard Slovene: Phonological, Morphological and Semantic Aspects. Razprave Filozofske fakultete. Znanstveni in?titut Filozofske fakultete. p. 14. ISBN 978-86-7207-114-6. OCLC 442412304. 
  • Winter, Werner; Societas Linguistica Europaea. Meeting (1995). On Languages and Language: The Presidential Addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Trends in linguistics., Studies and monographs; 78. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-013257-1. OCLC 924736602. Retrieved 14 February 2018. 
  • Winter-Froemel, Esme (29 August 2011). "3.4 Entlehnung un Scheinentlehnung nach traditionellen Auffasungen". Entlehnung in der Kommunikation und im Sprachwandel: Theorie und Analysen zum Französischen (in German) (Berlin ed.). Walter de Gruyter. pp. 45-. ISBN 978-3-11-023506-7. 
  • Yang, Wenliang (1 January 1990). " Fremdwort und Lehnwort". Anglizismen im Deutschen: am Beispiel des Nachrichtenmagazins 'Der Spiegel'. Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 106 (in German). Tuebingen: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 12-. ISBN 978-3-11-167615-9. 
  • Zenner, Eline; Kristiansen, Gitte (1 January 2014). New Perspectives on Lexical Borrowing: Onomasiological, Methodological and Phraseological Innovations. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 2, 10. ISBN 978-1-61451-430-5. 

Pseudo- - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Further reading

BBC - Culture - The foreign words that seem like English â€
src: ichef.bbci.co.uk

External links

  • Examples of Japanese pseudo-anglicisms

Source of the article : Wikipedia
